Regular readers of my blog know that periodically I offer completely unsolicited fund marketing advice. Given that we are in the midst of a busy conference season, I thought it wise to focus this week's peanut gallery on the elevator pitch. If you've been to many conferences in any capacity, you've had the opportunity to witness the elevator pitch in all of its flavors - the good, the bad, and the practically sociopathic. You may have even been asked (out loud or with just a frantic glance across a crowded cocktail party) to aid and abet the escape from an elevator pitch gone wrong. 

To protect conference goers everywhere from the out-of-control elevator pitch, I've created the following infographic to help bring cosmos to the pitching chaos. I hope the advice will help your next asset raising encounter or at least make a colorful liner for your trash bin. As always, may the pitch be with you.

(c) MJ Alternative Investment Research LLC

(c) MJ Alternative Investment Research LLC

When most people think about math, they don’t necessarily think about visual aids. They think about numbers. They think about symbols. They may even think, “Oh crap, I hated math in high school.” Even if you are in the last camp, read on. I promise what follows is painless, although you may be tested on it later.

A lot of times, what’s problematic for people about math is that picturing and therefore connecting with what we’re talking about, particularly when dealing with large numbers, can be difficult. For example, I talk endlessly about the inequities in the hedge fund industry, and yet while some folks hear it, I’m not sure how many people “get it.” So today, we’re going to “connect the dots” to visualize what is going on in hedge fund land.

First, meet The Dot Fund, LLC. 


This dot represents a single, average hedge fund. The fund probably has a pitch book that states its competitive advantage is its "fundamental bottoms up research." This makes me want to shake the Dot Fund. But I digress.

Now, most folks estimate that the hedge fund universe contains 10,000 funds, so here are 10,000 dots. Each smaller square is 10 dots by 10 dots, for a total of 100 dots, and there are 10 rows of 10 squares. Y’all can count them if you want to – I did and gave myself a wicked migraine – but this giant square of dots is pretty representative of the total size of the hedge fund universe.

The Hedge Fund Universe

10000 HFs.png

Of course, the hedge fund universe isn’t as homogenous as my rows of dots, so let’s look at some of the sub-categories of funds. The blue dots below represent the “Billion Dollar Club” hedge funds within the universe. That is not a ton of dots.

The Billion Dollar Club Hedge Funds

And here are the Emerging Managers, as defined by many pension and institutional investors as having less than $1 billion in assets under management. Note: That’s a helluva lot of blue dots.

Institutionally Defined “Emerging Managers”

This is the universe of managers with less than $100 million under management, or what I would call the “honestly emerging managers.”

Managers With Less Than $100m AUM

This dot matrix represents the average number of hedge funds that close in any given year. It doesn’t look quite as dire as the numbers do in print...

Annual Hedge Fund Closures

Finally, here are the women (stereotypically in pink) and minority owned (in blue) funds that I estimate exist today.

Diversity Hedge Funds

While estimates of capital inflows vary, eVestment suggests roughly $80 billion in asset flows for 2014, while HFR posits $88 billion. Because the numbers are fairly close, I'm using HFR, but the visual wouldn't be vastly different if I used another vendor's estimate. Here is the HFR estimate of $88 billion in asset flows represented as 1 dot per $1 billion.

2014 Estimated Asset Flows into Hedge Funds

Now, here is the rough amount of those assets (in blue) that went to the Billion Dollar Club hedge funds (also in blue).

Fund Flows Into Large Hedge Funds

And here is the rough proportion of those assets that went to everyone else.

Fund Flows Into Emerging Hedge Funds

Not a pretty picture, eh?

So, what’s the point of my dotty post? While I think we all have read about the bifurcation of the hedge fund industry into assets under management “haves” and “haves nots,” I’m not sure everyone has actually grasped what’s going on. I’m told that a picture is worth a 1,000 words, so maybe this will help it sink in. Not investing in a more diverse group of managers creates a very real risk of stifling innovation and compromising overall industry and individual returns. It also creates a lot of concentration risk - if a Billion Dollar Club fund fails, a large number of investors and a huge amount of assets could be at risk.

And the kick in the pants? We know this pattern isn't the most profitable. A recent study showed pension consultants underperformed all investment options by an average of 1.12% per year from 1999-2011, due largely to focusing on the largest funds and other "soft factors." And lest you think 1.12% sounds small, let me illustrate that for you, too. Here are one million dots, where each dot represents a dollar invested. The blue dots are the cash returns over time that were missed by not taking a more differentiated approach. Ouch

Cash Return Differential 1999-2011

Luckily, the cure is simple. Commit to connecting with different and more diverse dots in 2014.

Sources: HFR, eVestment, MJ Alts, Value Walk, "Picking Winners? Investment Consultants' Recommendations of Fund Managers" by Jenkinson, Jones (no relation) and Martinez.

William Shakespeare once asked, “What’s in a name?” believing, as many do, that “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” But on this point I must take issue with dear William and say instead that I think names have power. Perhaps this notion springs from being reared on the tale of Rumplestilskin or maybe from teenage readings of The Hobbit. It could be from my more recent forays into Jim Butcher’s Harry Dresden novels.

I know, I know - I never said I wasn’t a nerd.

Regardless of the origins of my belief, my theory was, in a way, proven earlier this week, when the New York Times ran a piece by Justin Wolfers entitled “Fewer Women Run Big Companies Than Men Named John.” In it, the writer created what he called a “Glass Ceiling Index” that looked at the ratio of men named John, Robert, William or James running companies in the S&P 1500 versus the number of women in the same role. His conclusion? For every one woman at the helm of a large company, there are four men named John, Robert, William or James.

To be clear: That’s not just one woman to every four generic men. That’s one woman for every four specifically-named men.

Wolfers’ study was inspired by an Ernst & Young report that looked at the ratio of women board members to men with the same ubiquitous monikers. E&Y found that for every woman (with any name) on a board, there were 1.03 men named John, Robert, William or James.

The New York Times article further showed that there are 2.17 Senate Republicans of the John-Bob-Will-Jim persuasion for every female senate republican, and 1.12 men with those names for every one female economics professor.

While all of that is certainly a sign that the more things change, the more they stay the same, it made me think about the financial world and our own glass ceiling.

In 17 years in finance, I have never once waited in line for the bathroom at a hedge fund or other investment conference. While telling, that’s certainly not a scientific measure of progress towards even moderate gender balance in finance. As a result, I decided it would be interesting to construct a more concrete measure of the fund management glass ceiling. After hours of looking through hedge fund & private equity mogul names like Kenneth, David, James, John, Robert, and William, I started referring to my creation as the “Jim-Bob Ratio,” as a good Southern girl should.

I looked at the 100 largest hedge funds, excluded six banks and large fund conglomerates that are not your typical “cult of personality” hedge fund shops, created a spreadsheet of hedge fund managers/founders/stud ducks and determined that the hedge fund industry has a whopping 11 fund moguls named John, Robert, William and James for every one woman fund manager. There was a 4:1 ratio just for Johns, and 3:1 for guys named Bill.

(c) MJ Alts

(c) MJ Alts

And even those ratios were generous: I counted Leda Braga separately from Blue Crest in my total, even though her fund was not discretely listed at the time of the 2014 list.

I also looked at the monikers of the “grand quesos” at the 20 largest private equity firms. There are currently three Williams, two Johns (or Jon) and one James versus zero large firm female private equity senior leadership.

Of course, you may be saying it’s unfair to look at only the largest funds, but I doubt the ratio improves a great deal as we go down the AUM food chain. There are currently only 125 female run hedge funds in a universe of 10,000 funds. That gives an 80:1 male to female fund ratio before we start sifting through names. In private equity and venture capital, we know from reading Forbes that women comprise only 11.8% (including non-investment executives) and 8.5% of partners, respectively. Therefore, it seems extraordinarily unlikely that the alternative investment industry’s Jim-Bob Ratio could fall below 4:1 even within larger samples. Ugh. One more reason for folks to say the S&P outperformed.

Now, before everyone gets their knickers in a twist, I should point out that I am vehemently NOT anti-male fund manager. The gentlemen on those lists have been wildly successful overall, and I in no way wish to or could diminish their performance and business accomplishments. And for those that are also wondering, I am also just as disappointed at the small (read virtually non-existent) racial diversity ratio on those lists as well. 

What I am, however, as regular readers of my blogs know, is a huge proponent for diversity (fund size, gender, race, strategy, fund age, etc.) in investing and a bit of a fan of the underdog. Diversity of strategies, instruments, and liquidity are all keys to building a successful portfolio if you ask me. And, perhaps even more importantly, you need diversity of thinking, or cognitive alpha, which seems like it could be in short supply when we look across the fund management landscape. Similar backgrounds, similar stories, and similar names could lead to similar performance and similar volatility profiles, dontcha think? While correlation can be your friend when the markets are trending up, it is rarely your bestie when the tables turn. And if you don’t have portfolio managers who think differently, are you ever truly diversified or uncorrelated?

In the coming months and years, I’d like to see the alternative investment industry specifically, and the investment industry in general, actively attempt to lower our Jim-Bob Ratio. And luckily, unlike the equity markets, there seems to be only one way for us to go from here. 

Sources include: Institutional Investor Alpha magazine, Business Insider, industry knowledge and a fair amount of tedious internet GTS (er, Google That Stuff) time. 

The wintry weather of the last several weeks has left me particularly punchy and bored, which of course means I had ample time to create yet another animated video blog for my series "The Hedge Fund Truth." This week it is time for managers (and potential managers) to hear what may be some painful truths about launching and running a small hedge fund. 

In recent years, it seems new funds have been met with a collective "Meh" from the investor marketplace. As we saw in last week's blog, roughly 90% (or more) allocations continue to flow to large, established firms. So what does it take to launch a hedge fund, or any new alternative investment fund, for that matter? Are there non-negotiable keys to success? How should a new manager approach fund raising? Is seeding an option? This 9-minute video attempts to answer some key questions. 

AuthorMeredith Jones

As regular readers of my blog know, once a month I try to offer some unsolicited advice to fund managers out on the capital raising trail. Today, I want to tackle the touchy topic of how to hire a great fund marketer.

Fans of “How I Met Your Mother” are likely familiar with the Vicki Mendoza line and its impact on Barney’s decision making. Leaving aside Barney’s oh-so-politically-incorrect humor on dating for a moment, it is possible to apply his matrix-based decision-making to other areas of life, like, for example, choosing a fund marketer.

The Contacts/Context Graph for Fund Marketing Success.

Hiring a marketer (or negotiating salary/bonus?) Where do you fit? (c) MJ Alternative Investment Research

Hiring a marketer (or negotiating salary/bonus?) Where do you fit? (c) MJ Alternative Investment Research

On the Y-Axis I have created a Contacts scale. This measures the relative strength of the contacts your potential marketer is bringing to the table. Please note that the scale starts at 2 because, frankly, for the right price, anyone can obtain a list of investor targets from any number of sources. If that’s news to you, try Googling “Investor List” and you’ll be shocked by what you can buy.   

Of course, there are contacts and then there are contacts. With lists easily available (and potentially overused and/or out of date), it is important to judge the quality of the contacts, not just the quantity, as well.

  • I started with a basic list as a 2.
  • A good list with some personal (not just purchased or Googled) contacts gets a 4 to 6.
  • Because it’s important not just to know investors, but to know the investors who match well with the fund’s strategy and life cycle, a robust list with at least some relevant personal contacts (e.g. the right type of investors for your fund, be they individual investor, family office or institutional) gets a 6 to an 8. After all, an emerging manager who hires a public plan marketing specialist may have difficultly quickly securing the early capital they need.
  • Finally, an outstanding list with deep, relevant, personal contacts who have a history of investing with the marketer gets an 8 to a 10. 

The X-Axis is the Context Scale - how this individual fits in the context of my firm. Unfortunately, I had to start this scale with a -2 since there are some hires that are not only not a great fit with your organization, they are actively bad for your firm.

For example, I still remember the marketer I met more than 10 years ago who, after unsuccessfully pitching me in 5 minutes at an Opal conference cocktail hour said, and I quote, “Well, I’m here to raise assets, not to make friends. I’ll catch you later.” Or the guy who called me and my staff at Van Hedge on Fridays to ask if we were ready to invest yet. Every. Freaking. Friday. As a result of his calls, spontaneous laryngitis was common and highly contagious in our office at the end of each week.

Rest assured, folks like those will not only be unsuccessful at raising assets for your firm, they will also actively diminish your brand and reputation in the industry.

Think of it this way: I still remember the exact words from these guys after more than a decade. And while I am occasionally accused of being a little Rain Man-esque when it comes to facts, I can assure you that a bad impression lasts a really long time, no matter who you are.

The Context scale attempts to measure a number of things: sales skill, their personality fit in the overall make-up of the firm, willingness to pitch in outside of their domain, knowledge of the strategy and industry, attention to detail, compliance focus, proactive versus reactive nature, organizational skills, etc. It’s a broad scale, and I would suggest that before you start looking for a marketer you think about what elements of Context are most important to you and your firm.

So, let’s get down to brass tacks.

  • If a potential hire scores below 0 on the Context line, they are firmly in the NO GO ZONE. No matter what their Contacts score look like.
  • Below a 5 on both scales is what I call the Danger Zone. This may be a decent hire, but you should watch for friction within the organization and/or longer-lead time sales. A large part of their success will depend on attitude, general people skills and EQ.
  • Above a 5 on the Contacts line but below a 5 on the Context line and you should consider hiring the individual as an outside contractor or a third party marketer (3PM). This will minimize friction in the organization (and any blowback outside the firm) and allow you to still capitalize on the marketer’s contacts.
  • A 5 to 10 on the Context scale but low scores on Contacts means the person could be an excellent fit for the organization, but perhaps not the best marketer. They could be a tremendous addition to another area of the firm (investor relations, operations, entry level marketing) but will need time to build relationships and “season.” Understand that if you make a marketing hire in this zone, patience will likely be required.
  • The Safe Zone contains good hires. They may be slower to fit in or to close business, but chances are they will get there.
  • Between an 8 and a 10 on the context scale and a 6 to 8 on the contacts scale you’ll find Really Good Marketing Hires.
  • If someone scores between an 8 and 10 on both scales, you should give them equity and encourage them to work at your firm forever. Actual golden handcuffs may be required.

Even, if you aren’t looking to make an internal hire, the Contacts/Context matrix works for third party marketers as well. We all know that 3PMs don’t always have the best “street cred” in our industry, but there are good choices out there. Select candidates using the Contacts/Context criteria and then rank further based on things like retainer, length of contract, trailing commission, geographic focus, etc.

Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, matrix and formula, but at least thinking through the issues raised by the Contacts/Context Matrix before making an internal or external hire should help you position your fund well above the Midas Line. 

AuthorMeredith Jones

In the 2000 movie release “Boiler Room” Greg Weinstein (in)famously talked about how to sell stocks to women. His advice? Don’t.

“We don't sell stock to women. I don't care who it is, we don't do it. Nancy Sinatra calls, you tell her you're sorry.” – Greg Weinstein

While I’m not on a Hollywood big screen, I am here to tell you this: Greg Weinstein is a moron.

Let me give you a few facts about women, wealth and investing.

  • Studies have shown that women control 51.3% of personal wealth, and that number is expected to grow to 66% by 2030;
  • U.S. women are an economy equal in size to the entire economy of Japan;
  •  Women make up 47% of the top wealth holders in the U.S.;
  • Women are either the sole decision maker or an equal decision maker in up to 90% of high net worth households;
  • A 2014 MainStay Investments study showed that 89% of women who had invested in alternatives had a positive experience and that 27% of women (compared with 20% of men) are looking towards alternative investments; and,
  •  High net worth women are more likely to invest in alternative investments. According to a 2015 CNBC article women are “three times more likely to invest in hedge funds, venture capital and private equity and twice as likely to invest in commodities and precious metals.”

Affluent women are a powerful and growing force in the alternative investment investor landscape.

According to a 2014 Preqin report, high net worth investors account for 9% of hedge fund investors by type and 3.6% of the total assets in hedge funds. For many emerging hedge funds, high net worth investors comprise up to 100% of their assets under management. High net worth investors are therefore a critical part of the alternative investment investor-verse.

One final fact: Preqin released statistics on Monday showing that assets under management in alternative investments (including hedge funds, private equity, real estate, private debt and infrastructure) has grown to $6.9 trillion dollars.

If high net worth investors account for 3.6% of the AUM in alternatives, then nearly $250 billion of all alternative investment assets come from their pockets.

If women are sole or equal decision makers in 90% of high net worth households, then women control or influence nearly $225 billion of alternative investments.

As managers struggle to raise assets, as RIAs and CFPs look for new clients, as first funds look to launch, there should be a concerted effort to integrate this significant segment of the investor-verse. Failure to do so is not just short sighted, it’s also business-limiting.  

If you haven’t started thinking about how you can attract female investors, it’s time to start. I attended a women and wealth conference in New York last week. There were only three men in attendance. One was a speaker. One worked for another speaker. I didn’t get a chance to meet number 3, but suffice it to say that, based on my experience last week, it seems the emerging market that is women is continues to be overlooked by the financial services industry.

Wake up, y’all. Greg Weinstein was wrong.

Sources: Fara Warner: “Power of the Purse” & the American College of Financial Services, IRS, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, CNBC, Preqin)

Recent asset flow patterns and fund closures reveal that small (and new) hedge funds may be on the endangered species list. Recent data shows that funds need at least $250 million to break even, and even that may not be enough to successfully run a business. But if small hedge funds go the way of the dinosaur, what happens to structural alpha? Will niche investments, club deals and micro-caps be permanently overlooked? Where will investors look for outsized returns and differentiated portfolios?

Recent asset flow patterns and fund closures reveal that small (and new) hedge funds may be on the endangered species list. Recent data shows that funds need at least $250 million to break even, and even that may not be enough to successfully run a business. But if small hedge funds go the way of the dinosaur, what happens to structural alpha? Will niche investments, club deals and micro-caps be permanently overlooked? Where will investors look for outsized returns and differentiated portfolios?

Last week I directed everyone’s post-holiday attention to making New Year’s Resolutions for investors. Now that everyone has had a week to digest those mantras, get over the soreness you inevitably felt after hitting the gym (for the first time in 12 months) diligently, and have balanced your ketones after a week of low-carb, New Year dieting, I thought it best to turn attention to resolutions for money managers.  If you missed last week’s post, you can find it HERE. For those of you still looking to make a few investing resolutions for 2015, read on.

Money Manager Resolutions:

I resolve to create a business plan around capital raising – Raising and maintaining assets under management has perhaps become as critical as performance. Don’t believe me? Look at recent fund closures. Paul Tudor Jones just announced the shuttering of his longest standing fund, which at $300 million was absorbing a disproportionate amount of firm resources. Merchants Gate, which peaked at $2.3 billion in AUM, decided to close as assets shrank to $1.1 billion, despite above average performance. Woodbine Capital closed after assets dipped to $400 million. Indeed, during the first half of 2014, Hedge Fund Research (HFR) reported that 461 funds closed, which was on pace to equal or exceed the worst year on record for hedge fund liquidations: 2009.

While many people believe that hedge funds “fail” in a blaze of glory a la Amaranth or Galleon, most hedge funds die a death of 1,000 cuts, either never gaining enough performance traction or amassing enough assets to create a sustainable business. According to a 2012 Citi Prime Services report, hedge funds now need between $250 million and $375 million just to break even, and the relatively large closures listed above make me believe the number may be closer to the higher end of that spectrum.

So, with ten hedge fund firms accounting for 57 percent of asset flows in 2014, what’s a fund to do? At the very least, make a plan. If I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Your capital raising efforts should be executed like Sherman marching through Georgia in 2015.

We all talk about the “business and operational risk” in hedge funds, and I, for one, would include an effective capital raising (and retention) strategy as one of those risks. Without an effective asset raising campaign, a hedge fund manager may have to:

1)   Spend more time on capital raising, potentially taking time away from generating strong performance;

2)   Worry more about redemptions. Any redemption payouts will likely have to be liquidated from the active portfolio, potentially compromising returns;

3)   Lower the investment minimum so investors will invest (and not be too large of a percentage of the fund). Sure, more investors is great, but client communications will also take more time;

4)   Constantly assuage investor (their own and their employees) fears about the long-term sustainability of the fund.

In 2015, make a plan for capital raising. Pick three to four conferences with a high concentration of potential investors and really work them. Get on the speaking faculty. Get the attendee list in advance and set up meetings before you arrive. Have great materials available. Practice your elevator pitch. After the event, have a plan for follow up. Write great investor letters. Polish your performance template. Host a webinar on your strategy. Hire a writer/capital raiser/graphic designer or whatever you need to fill in the gaps. People are already predicting 2015 will be a worse year for hedge fund closures – Let’s prove folks wrong. 

(NOTE: This does not mean I don't think there is still a place for small, niche funds. If a manager is content and profitable and generating returns smaller, that's fantastic, and needed in the industry). 

I resolve to find my own niche, but not tell everyone I’m the only one there – If I read the words “Our competitive advantage is our fundamental, bottoms-up [sic] stock picking” one more time, I will put out my own eye with a pencil. It’s very hard for a traditional stock picker to demonstrate alpha right now, so you must find, demonstrate and articulate an edge.

The fact is, many of the investors to whom I speak have vanilla investing covered. Whether it’s equities, private equity or credit, if it ain’t something they can’t do themselves, they aren’t likely to invest. If you do something really unique or spectacularly well, make sure you highlight that in every conversation and in all of your marketing efforts. For example, I’ve seen managers with great equity strategies market themselves as simple long/short funds, when in fact there is much more meat in their burger. Don't hide your light under an anemically worded bushel.

With that being said, I think if I hear “I am the only one who is long ________ now” one more time, I will poke out my eardrums with a number two pencil. Hubris is never attractive, and it can result in some spectacular losses. Just ask Long Term Capital Management.

At the end of the day, you often need other folks to figure out the equation (although preferably after you do) in order for your ideas to generate returns. If no one else ever unearths your undiscovered company, or piles into energy, or gets on your disruptive bandwagon, you’ll end up holding a nice position at par for a really long time. Not as attractive, eh? Explain why you're early in, but also why others will eventually get the memo for the best results.

I resolve to stick to my guns – This one may be tough. With the amount of pressure on money managers to outperform, avoid all losses, lower fees and generally walk on water, it can be hard to stay with a strategy that hasn’t been shooting the lights out, hold the line on fees to protect a fund’s long-term viability or not branch into strategies where expertise may be lacking. It’s also a fine line between maintaining conviction and riding an idea or stock to the bottom. For the most part, trust what you know. Explain when you have to. But always at least listen to what others and your intuition are telling you. 

Wishing all of us a safe, happy and prosperous year!


As we enter 2015 refreshed from vacations, overstuffed with tasty victuals and perhaps even slightly hung-over, it’s time for that oh-so-hopeful tradition of New Year’s resolutions. Many of you probably resolved to spend more time with your family, eat better, exercise more, floss daily, or to give more to charity. Despite what the research says, some of those resolutions may even stick. So before the holiday afterglow completely fades, I would like to turn attention to some investing resolutions, designed to bring more (mental) health, wealth and happiness in 2015. Without further ado, here are my top three New Year’s resolutions for investors. (Due to the length of this post, I’ll cover money manager New Year’s resolutions in next week’s blog.)

Investor Resolutions for 2015

I resolve to not confuse absolute and relative returns – When you profess to want “absolute returns” you do not get to invoke the S&P 500 in the same breath. In 2014,  “absolute return” came to mean “I expect my investments to absolutely beat the S&P 500” or “My investments absolutely cannot lose money (or I will redeem them at my first opportunity).”  

Absolute returns actually means you make an investment in an asset class or strategy and then you judge whether you are happy with those returns based on absolute standards. Did the strategy perform as expected, based on returns, volatility, drawdown, and/or diversification? Do I still believe in this strategy or asset class going forward? If there was a loss, do I believe this is a substantial, long-term problem or is this a buying opportunity? Trying to turn absolute investments into relative investments after the allocation fact causes a lot of knee-jerk investment decisions, leads to return chasing and, ultimately, underperformance.

I resolve to not get tied up in my investing underpants – This probably needs some explanation because I do not want any of my blog readers to Google “tied up in underpants”  - the answers you get will absolutely not be suitable for work.

Instead this (quaint?) colloquial saying basically means that you shouldn’t get so wrapped up in perfecting the small things (underpants) that you can’t get to the big stuff (getting dressed and leaving the house).  For example: “That meeting was worthless. We spent all morning tied up in our underpants about where to get lunch and we didn’t address the sales quotas.” For non-Tennesseans, the less colorful turn of phrase would involve forests, trees and all that.

When it comes to investing, there are any number of “underpants issues” with which to deal. Fees are a great example. Every time someone wants to argue with me on Twitter about alternative investments, they inevitably start with “You don’t have to pay 2%/20% to [get diversification, manage volatility, achieve those returns, etc.]."

It’s always interesting to chat with these folks about what they think an appropriate fee structure would be. Most people say they are willing to “pay for performance.” And in fact, perhaps with the exception of investments into a small number (less than 500) of “billion dollar club” funds, you are.

Since more than half of all funds have less than $100 million in AUM, it’s pretty difficult for the bulk of funds to get rich from a management fee alone. Management fees tend to be, on average, around 1.6%. In comparison, mutual funds charge between 0.2% (index funds) and 2% in management fees, with the average equity mutual fund charging, according to an October 6, 2012 New York Times article, around 1.44%. Not that different, eh? As for the incentive fee, that only gets paid if the manager makes money. It’s designed to align interests (“I make more if you make more”), not steal from the “poor” and give to the rich. Perhaps a hurdle makes sense, but why dis-incent a manager entirely?

At the end of the day, this laser focus on fees hampers good investment decision-making. We run the risk of focusing too much on what we don’t want others to have than on what we might get in return (diversification, a truly unique or niche strategy, reduced volatility, expertise, returns). We run the risk of negative selection bias (with managers and with strategies) if we choose only low fee funds. We also risk dis-incentivizing smaller, niche-y and more labor-intensive start-up funds, which could completely homogenize the investment universe.

Is there room for fee negotiation? Of course. I am a big proponent of sliding scales based on allocation size or overall AUM. However, making fees your sole decision point is, I believe, penny wise and pound foolish over time and will leave you, well, tied up in your underpants.

I resolve to take a holistic approach to my portfolio – Say this with me three times “I will not chase returns in 2015. I will not chase returns in 2015. I will not chase returns in 2015.”

Why should auld performance be forgot? Let’s look at managed futures/commodity trading advisors. It hasn’t been an easy ride for macro/futures funds. In 2012, they were the worst performing strategy according to HFR. In 2013, they were edged out of last place in HFRs report by the Barclays Aggregate Bond Index, but still under performed all other hedged strategies. The last two years saw heavy redemptions, with eVestment reporting outflows from Managed Futures funds for 26 of the last 27 months.

And in 2014? Managed Futures killed it.

Early estimates from Newedge show that Managed Futures funds returned an average of 15.2% in 2014. January 2015 predictions are that Managed Futures will either win or place amongst top strategies for 2014.

It’s always tempting to dress for yesterday’s weather, but savvy investors look not just at what’s performed well, but where there are future opportunities and potential pitfalls. Even an up-trending market, maybe especially in an up-trending market, it’s important to look to out-of-favor and diversifying strategies, niche players and contrarians to create a truly “all weather” portfolio.

Stay tuned for money manager resolutions next week, and in the meantime, best wishes for a Happy Investing New Year.

AuthorMeredith Jones

In case you missed any of my snappy, snarky blogs in 2014, here is a quick reference guide (by topic) so you can catch up while you gear up for 2015. My blog will return with new content next Tuesday – starting with my "New Year’s Resolutions for Managers and Investors."

“How To” Marketing Blogs


General Alternative Investing

 “The Truth About” Animated Blogs – Debunking Hedge Fund Myths

Diversity Investing

Private Equity and Venture Capital

Emerging Managers

Having been an investor, a PerTrac employee and a general statistics nerd, I have seen more than my share of performance tear sheets. While some people think of them as unnecessary, I can tell you that a good performance tear sheet can help make the case for an investment in your fund, and can also highlight why an investor should should stay with your fund through tough times. Make no mistake: A strong tear sheet isn't optional. 

Performance Tear Sheet Template.png

Logo - Your entire marketing toolkit, including your tear sheet, needs a look and feel. This is no longer optional. If you want to compete in this industry, your fund has to look like it's part of a viable, successful, long-term business. This ain't the days of two guys and a Bloomberg terminal. If you don't have a logo, get one. And with logos available for under $1,000, there are really no excuses on this front.

Contact information - You would be shocked to see how many folks have no contact info on their materials. People can't invest if they can't find you. Include the contact person's name, email, address, phone, website, Twitter handle and all other pertinent information.

Strategy description and monthly commentary - The strategy description SHOULD NOT say "Our goal is to provide attractive risk adjusted returns over a three to five year period." It should actually say what you do. If there is room, you should have a few sentences about the current month's performance as it relates to your strategy as well. This will not replace your monthly letter to investors, but it will help put the numbers folks are looking at into perspective.

VAMI Chart - a simple Value Added Monthly Index (mountain) chart versus appropriate benchmarks helps people visualize how the fund performs.

Another compelling chart - Depending on the strategy goals and attributes, this could be an up and down market outperformance graph, an underwater chart, correlation analysis, etc. The goal is to visually demonstrate to investors that your fund delivers on its promises (protect in down markets, provide uncorrelated returns, limit drawdowns, etc.)

Monthly and annual returns - Uh, monthly and annual returns. NET OF ALL FEES

Peer ranking - Shows how you do against other funds like you.

Risk/reward table - includes the relevant statistics (CAR, standard deviation, Sharpe, Sortino, maximum drawdown, etc.) versus relevant benchmarks.

Top holdings or attribution - Some type of granularity into the portfolio make-up. Solidifies the strategy in people's minds.

Manager bio - People invest in people, not vehicles. Don't miss this opportunity to connect.

Terms and service providers - If people don't know when they can get in and out of your fund, your fees, your partners (service providers), it's hard to invest.

Explanatory notes - Go to a second page (or the back of the page) if necessary. Do not squish everything else (or make tear sheet sacrifices) to fit in what can be lengthy explanatory notes.

Of course, you don't have to follow this layout exactly, but these elements should be included in some way, shape, form or fashion on any useful and compelling tear sheet. Happy number crunching!

AuthorMeredith Jones

As emerging managers start thinking about capital raising for 2015, it's time to think about travel planning and investor meetings. Even though a recent survey of investors found that two-thirds are willing to meet with a manager in whom they don't plan to invest, who has time for that? To help you on your way, I've created this handy-dandy map of public fund emerging manager interest for your Expedia booking pleasure, along with some (hopefully helpful) notes below.

2015 Emerging Manager Travel Planner.png

Arizona - Has made at least one investment in a large 'emerging' manager.

Arkansas - Teachers Retirement System reportedly tabled the program in 2008 but 2011 document shows active investments in MWBE managers. 

California - Looks for EM's based on size and tenure but prohibited by Prop 209 from looking at minority status or gender.

Connecticut - Based on size, minority status or gender. Awarded mandate in 2014 to Grosvenor, Morgan Stanley and Appomattox. 

Florida - Looks at emerging managers on equal footing with other managers. 

Hawaii - CIO has been historically pro-emerging manager. Plus, well, Hawaii.

Illinois - Perhaps the most active emerging manager state, based on gender, minority status and location. 

Indiana - Based on size, minority status, or gender. 

Kentucky - Reported $75 million allocation.

Maine - Has made at least one investment in a large 'emerging' manager.

Maryland - Very active jurisdiction with details available online for gender and minority status manager information.

Massachusetts- Includes size, minority status or gender. 

Michigan - $300 million program.

Missouri - Status based on size. 

Minnesota - Past investments in emerging managers. 

New Jersey - Status based on size. 

New York - Status based on size, minority status or gender. $1 billion mandate in 2014. $200 million seed mandate in 2014.

North Carolina - Status based on size and HUB (minority and women owned) status.

Ohio - Status based on size, minority status or gender. 

Oregon - Emerging manager program in place. 

Pennsylvania - Status based on size with preference for minority or women run funds.

Rhode Island - Plan in place from 1995.

South Carolina - Status based on size.

Texas - Actively engaged with emerging managers. Status based on size, minority status or gender.

Virginia - Status based on size, minority status or gender.

Washington - Has issued prior emerging manager RFPs. 

This information has been culled from some pretty extensive research, a host of conversations and, frankly, just knowing where some of the bodies are buried. Please remember that 'emerging manager" is a term that has a lot of definitions. There may still be minimum size requirements, minimum track record requirements and strategy restrictions.  I will update the map as I get more data. Happy hunting!

AuthorMeredith Jones

As part of my series on fund marketing, I thought I’d take a moment to talk about conferences. You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a conference these days. There are events at least weekly, if not more often, all vying for your conference dollars and even more precious time. To maximize your conference experience, consider the following:

DO – Be choosy about conferences. Ask to see attendee lists (current or past, with contact info redacted if the organizer is touchy about sharing). Ensure that the audience matches your target demographic. Sometimes the only family office you will see at a conference is in the title of the event. Also, be aware of how many conferences you attend in a year. It was always a due diligence red flag for me if I saw a manager at too many events during a year, both from the perspective of expense management and time away from investments.

DO – Approach conferences with a battle plan. You should work an event like Sherman marching through Georgia. Make sure you get the conference attendee list with your paid sponsorship or registration and schedule meetings BEFORE the event. Have a target list of people you’d like to see in addition to your scheduled meetings. Bring your pitch book and one pager (if applicable) and plenty of business cards. If you are planning a dinner or lunch or golf outing, have the invites out at least 3 weeks in advance for maximum attendance.

DON’T – Stalk people. While this may seem counter to targeting attendees, there is a difference between seeking people out or asking mutual contacts for introductions and tailing people through an event. Once upon a time, there was a conference that offered homing devices to all attendees. It was not unusual to see an investor darting through the exhibit hall with 10 asset managers hard on their heels. It’s like Wild Kingdom - No one wants to be the antelope at the watering hole. Don’t approach people in bathrooms or lie in wait for them outside of lunches or other conference activities.

DO – Practice your elevator speech in advance. You need to be able to clearly articulate your value proposition in a NON-SALESY way. Rehearse a 2-minute and a 5-minute version. Role play with your colleagues how to seamlessly move from talk about a lunch speaker/panel/weather/golf outing into a quick summary of what you do.

DO – Ask questions when talking to your prospects. No one wants to hear a monologue about you or your firm. When practicing your elevator pitch, think of some questions to ask attendees to make the conversation more interactive. If you’ve done your homework on the attendees in advance this should be easy. Search Google for news or their website for RFPs and other information prior to the event.

DON’T – Commandeer your speaker spot (panel or standalone) to talk about your fund. Seriously. People will pass notes or text each other about you in the audience if you do this. Others may walk out. You’ll be known as “that speaker.” If you are lucky enough to get a speaking slot, think about how you can educate the audience. What is happening in the markets? What makes a particular investment strategy interesting? What is the outlook for a strategy? Always educate, never sell. Exception to the rule? Meet the manager, speed dating type of pitch events.

 DON’T – Sit behind your exhibit table if you have one. Stand up and move around in front of your exhibit so you can engage with people. If you sit, the only people that come up will be people that either know you or who want to have a serious conversation. You can miss more casual opportunities if you’re sitting down.

DO – Delegate effectively. If you aren’t a good public speaker and you have one in the firm, select him or her for speaking roles. If someone is better at marketing or capital raising, put them at cocktail parties or at the booth. There shouldn’t be a lot of ego involved in conferences – it’s a job function just like any other. Select the best person for roles to generate the most interest and effectively raise assets.

DO - Agree to follow ups during your conversations. The goal is to move the ball forward and have a plan (and buy in) to send follow-up emails including pitch books, monthly updates, commentary, white papers or other information. If you don't have a plan to continue forward momentum, you might as well not have gone to the conference at all. 

Stay tuned in November for more unsolicited fund raising advice!


Good News

According to HFR, emerging managers performed best during last 12 months, gaining 11.3% through 1H2014.


Diversity funds (women and minoirites have outperformed the HF universe at large during the last 12 months, gaining 11.1% through 1H2014


Marco/CTA funds led performance in August 2014. The beginning of a comeback?


Pattern recognition helps PE and VC firms recognize successful investments?


Seven high quality hedge fund start ups launching in London


CALPERS sticking with Private Equity despite "complexity and fees."


Companies founded by women yeild 12% more for their VCs and use 1/3 less capital


IFK will welcome two women to the stage in 2014, Nehal Chopra and Nancy Prial.


Hedge fund liquidations declined in 2Q2014 according to HFR.

Skill is back? Fed says "moderately active" outperforms passive investments.

NY Common's equity hedge managers exhibit "above averages stock selection skill.

Bad News

The largest, most established U.S. based hedge funds control more assets than ever before, with $1.8 trillion as of July 2014.


Many women and minority led hedge funds continue to struggle with AUM, and therefore face the same fund flow problems as other emerging funds.


156 trend following CTAs liquidated, the first decline in the number of CTAs since 2005.


But keeps VCs from hiring women & minority staff and investing in diverse founders?


Not a single female manager listed among them.


CALPERS decision to exit hedge funds used as a club in the fee war.


Women run companies received just $1.5b out of a possible $50.8 billion from VC firms


In the previous five years, only one woman, Meredity Whitney, had been included.


Trailing 12 month liquidiations was still the highest it has been since 2009.

Blackrock research shows "alpha trades" don't work.

Articles on HFs still act as if beating the S&P 500 is relevant.