Meredith A. Jones, ESG Expertise

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The Hedge Fund Truth - Launching and Running a Small Fund

The wintry weather of the last several weeks has left me particularly punchy and bored, which of course means I had ample time to create yet another animated video blog for my series "The Hedge Fund Truth." This week it is time for managers (and potential managers) to hear what may be some painful truths about launching and running a small hedge fund. 

In recent years, it seems new funds have been met with a collective "Meh" from the investor marketplace. As we saw in last week's blog, roughly 90% (or more) allocations continue to flow to large, established firms. So what does it take to launch a hedge fund, or any new alternative investment fund, for that matter? Are there non-negotiable keys to success? How should a new manager approach fund raising? Is seeding an option? This 9-minute video attempts to answer some key questions.